Saturday, May 12, 2007


so there's this girl in my accounting tutorial. she calls herself "kiko" but her real name is really truong ying ying. and yes- she is a "FOB" as we all like to class them. if you don't know what a fob is, it's another term for ppl who don't come from here, usually asian ppl who can't speak proper english, are really good at math and stare at you.

now, me being the eternally nice person (hah yeah right) talk to her in conversation and just agree with whatever she's trying to tell me on the day. i am beginning to regret this decision talking to her (btw she talked to me first so ur not mistaken. she prominently sat down next to me in accounting class and started talking to me) because she REALLY gets into my personal space. it's really really scary. the other day i was sitting down minding my own business before class started and then she came up behind my chair, put her arm round my shoulder, looked down at me and said "hi" in her fob voice. SHE PUT HER ARM AROUND MY SHOULDER. PEOPLE!!!!! SHE PUT. HER. ARM. AROUND. MY. SHOULDER!!!!!!!!!!!!

let me tell you i felt REALLY uncomfortable like seriously uncomfortable. and then... she sat down all smiles, and was like watching me texting somebody- and then she asked for my number. i totally wanted to give her a fake one but then i just ended up giving her my real number. i wonder what she's gonna do with it- i haven't got any messages or calls yet (thank goodness) but yeah, she asked for my number. cmon she wears SCRUNCHIES. not there's anything wrong with wearing scrunchies, she just does wear them.

yeah and also the other day i avoided looking at her but vanessa was with me and she said that she was full staring at me as i walked past her. tell me guys, am i being paranoid for being freaked out or in this situation would you be feeling the same as me? i think my reaction is completely normal. maybe i'm a bit racist to fobs. i'm not proud to admit that, it's not a very good character trait coz i'm sure she's a nice girl.. just TOO nice. she's always like, touching my arm when she talks to me. so not right- i'm sorry but it's NOT okay okay?


Blogger kahsean said...

HAHAHHA shes probs just fascinated by you coz she prbs came frm some fobbish area n ur totally beyond her expectations of an abc LOL

1:12 AM  
Blogger vanessa said...

haha i totally agree with ks !!
and omg ur fob is so funny. i think the thing with fobs is that they are just too damn friendly and so keen on making friends. cultural differences indeed. which is weird, cos in a way we are the same race....yet so different! wow i cud totally write a book on this.

2:08 AM  
Blogger Hannah said...

haha shirley you poor thing...sounds scary..i had a stalker is a very strange experience..

4:51 AM  
Blogger hm said...

i find that fobs tend to avoid ABCs and stick to other FOBS, so if this ying ying girl is being ultra friendly, she obviously LIKES you, if u noe what im sayin ;) ;)



9:04 PM  

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