Saturday, June 10, 2006

i love "home" by michael bublé

These past few days i've been having a Michael Bublé binge. i'm completely addicted to his music, especially this one song "home". If you don't have it, go get it (if you don't know who Michael Bublé is, then that's just sad). Anyway, it's an absolutely beautiful, gorgeous song. Love everything about it- the piano, guitar, drums, the singing, everything just clicks. Everything is so right-- like perfect. It's one of those songs which pulls at your heart strings and makes you feel.... satisfied. Sound corny huh> I'm not too sure if that's the word to describe it but it's like at the end of the song you feel, i dunno, happy?? But not happy, something at the pit of stomach just tells you that you want more. It's just so beautiful. I'm in love with the song- it's gorgeous. So these past couple of days, i must have listened to it about 50 times. I've got it on repeat on the laptop and mp3 player. I could probably listen to it all day and fall in love with it even more. It's a really really beautiful song. I've also decided that if it doesn't work out with the legal framework guy then i'm gonna marry Alan Chang (who co-wrote the song) because 1/ he's really hot and 2/ he plays the piano really really good. Things like that just make me fall in love with people. If it doesn't work out with Alan then i'll most probably try Randy Napoleon who's really cute and can play guitar. He's really good at that. Go check him out at . Seriously though, "home" is a really really awesome song- so relaxing and calm- want Michael Bublé to sing it to me!! It will make you fall in love with him. Come to Perth Michael!!! yes, go get "home" by Michael Bublé - it's a really beautiful song.


Blogger lil.suga.bum said...

SHIRLEY!!!! you're mean to keep true to the legal framework guy!!! be careful... ks might be reading your blog and snatch him away.. it's better to to get someone you can actually meet... ahah >.<

11:56 PM  
Blogger kahsean said...

hahaha danielle's correct! the legal framework guy is mines AND he sits on my bus =D.
haha lets just hope he doesnt drive to uni next sem!!

2:21 AM  

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