Tuesday, May 15, 2007

WARNING: depressive blog below

ARGHHHHHHHH why are guys such stupid dickheads. seriously. is it a crime for me to want my boyfriend to see me? no right? instead, he's going to the gym. when was the last time i got to spend time with him "just us" at a place that's not his house? i can't remember. really- i can't. i like the guy don't get me wrong it's just when i don't get to see him or when he doesn't talk to me it's frustrating. and when i say "get to see him" i don't even mind it being like a couple times a week, so long as i get to see him. gah i dunno i'm just venting. it's like 4 months next week. that's 2 months away from 6 months. and the problem is not that i'm sick of him, it's i can't get enough of him but i'm thinking it's the other way for him. or maybe he's just a lazy bastard who doesn't know what having a girlfriend is supposed to mean. it's just so frustrating because i let myself like him like how much i like him now. which is quite a bit.. i mean, if i liked him less this wouldn't be a problem but i don't and it is. it's exactly how vanessa said it, "any relationship is under the power of the one who cares the least" and i hate how that's the complete truth. meh- i'm just gonna leave it a couple days and see if he asks me out. no doubt he probably won't.

in other news, i got 16/39 for my accouting test. yippee life is going SPLENDIDLY for me can't you tell? no, it's not actually- i was being sarcastic. thanks for listening guys. i'm having a SHIT day.


Blogger hm said...

i say just tell him you're not seeing him enough and listen to what he has to say.

cheer up =) we all get our shit days

ooo that rhymed

9:07 PM  
Blogger YuehLai said...

yeh wat hm said..confront him abt it!!! dun let him bully u..u shud be the bully in the relationship!!! =)

5:06 AM  
Blogger - said...

ooh, yl's fiery aye.

he prolly needs his own space for a while. dont worry bout it too much alright?

7:46 AM  
Blogger kahsean said...

dnt worry im pretty sure all boys r like dat. cheerup!

1:42 AM  

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