Thursday, May 24, 2007

here i go again.

What is your birthstone? i think it's sapphire

Have you shopped on Ebay? nope

Do you do your Christmas shopping early or last minute? usually early.

What's the last song you listened to? i think it was some evermore on the radio

What's something a lot of people don't know about you? i have a half brother

Have you ever seen a dead body? yes.

Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? nope.

Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them? yeah, haha depends on the situation though.

Are you happy with the person you are becoming? i'm okay with it

Felt like crap lately? yeah but i'm alright now =)

What's your favorite cereal? coco pops or frosties. the sugar loaded ones

Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? yes but i've only just started watching it the past few weeks

Do you like tuna? sometimes when i'm in my "tuna phase" i don't like it when i don't feel like it

When was the last time you put on lotion? umm i can't rmb. is that bad??

What color is your bedding? i've got multicoloured sheets with a red quilt thingy

Do you like taking pictures of yourself? haha i do enjoy the odd cam whoring night. maybe not so much taking pictures of myself but i wouldn't complain if i had to do it

What's your mom's mom's name? teresa guek khim lim. (before she married her surname was tan)

Do you get good grades? HAH! i wish

Do you like school supplies? stationary? yeah, i like.

Do you like soup? yes i do. i love pumpkin soup.

Who is the last person you high-fived? i'm not usually a high fiver but the last person i can rmb high-fiving was dan when we laughing about some joke we made. i can't rmb what the joke was about though.

Whose your favorite actor or actress? i love a good elijah wood. and orlando bloom. also daniel radcliffe, only coz he's harry in harry potter though.

What song bring back your worst memories? hmm, can't think of one in particular.

Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? i don't like milk.

What was the last movie you went to in theatres? 28 weeks later. i was freaked out but it was good.

How many times have you been engaged? twice. haha nah never!

How fast can you type? quite fast.

Have you ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? i don't think i have.

How many close friends do you have? a few.

Have you ever swam in the ocean? i've gone into the ocean, not so much swim though.

Do you like little kids? they kinda annoy me. i don't usually get along with them

What are you gonna do when you get older? settle, get married, you know the deal.

What's your favorite Disney movie? all disneys are pretty good but i love "the little mermaid"

Can you dance? haha i'd like to think i can dance but i only have one move really..

Do you eat cold pizza in the morning? i have done before but i don't do it like on a daily basis if that's what you're asking.

What's on your key chain? car key, IGA key, yummy yoshi. on my other set of keys i have an orlando keyring, window keys, garage keys, zest membership key thingy

What makes you uncomfortable? strange ppl. fobs and the security guard at IGA.

Can you write a paper the night before it is due and still get an A? probably not. i'm not that skilled.

How many text messages are in your Inbox? 219

Do you like hotdogs? yes.

Do you wear sweats a lot? when i go to the gym. and also in winter around the house

How do you vent your anger? euegu eiuhfnnei;svefuna;imsmiuvdfhlsm haha thats on msn. and also shouting and swearing. and hitting ppl. yeah. i shouldn't hit ppl so much though coz that's bad..

Do you swoon over Johnny Depp? hmm not so much. i think he's alright though

Have you ever had surgery? yes.

Do you enjoy the wilderness? it's alright. except for the bugs and crawly things

What was the last thing you ate? chicken, avocado and parmesan sandwich which i made go me

Do you love anyone? my family and my friends.

Are you high maintenance? i don't think so.

Do you have pretty eyes? they're okay

What kind of milk do you drink? i don't drink milk. i like mocha that's alright but that doesn't really count coz it's chocolate-coffee

What's on your refrigerator? some magnets. and lots of paper stuff

Would you consider yourself boy crazy? haha yes. very much so

What is one thing scientists should invent? food that tastes gooood but has no fat. i dunno!

If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change? probably to be a nicer person and not so aggressive.

Do you jump if something is about to land on your toes? jump and step back perhaps?

How important is your appearance? hmm, so so. its good to look nice. but then again, most of the time i don't really care.

What does your name mean? in english, no idea, but in chinese it means pretty snow. i think.

Did you ever have to share a bedroom? i think when i was little i shared with my sis but i have my own room now.

What temperature do you enjoy the most? around 20-22 is good, with a little sun and a little bit of breeze.

Do mosquitoes think you’re tasty? unfortunately yes.

Most money you’ve ever spent on a pair of jeans? 70 bucks i think.

Ever borrowed someone’s underwear? no

Would you date a single mom/dad? i don't think so.

Are you looking for someone to marry, or just a good time? atm, a good time. later it'll be to marry

Do you like poetry? it's okay if it's not too lame

Who would you trade places with for a day? i dunno hey. that's hard to decide.

What is your favorite kind of soup when you’re sick? chicken soup.

Ever been to a professional pre-season game or a training camp? i was gonna go to the NAB cup but i didn't

Do you want to make new friends? yeah, meeting new ppl is good. but just not scary fobs

Who is your soul mate? not sure. haven't found him

Weirdest thing you’ve ever done with your hair? had a bowl cut when i was like 9

When was the last time you played in the mud? i don't think i ever played in the mud.

Do you frequent the library? sometimes

What’s the biggest Christmas tree you’ve ever had? like 1m, we haven't put it up for a while though =(


Blogger YuehLai said...

Damn long survey..only read the last line =P its toooo longgggg!!!!

2:00 AM  
Blogger vanessa said...

hahahhhaha yl! lol
being the sad and lame person i am, yes i did read the whole thing. wat can i say? surveys make my day! (no not really)

1:10 AM  

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