Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
oops =O i think i broke the whammy bar....

Mum bought Guitar Hero for our wii yesterday- i guess kindof as an early christmas present. Played all of last night (probably about 4 hours with a half hour break for a shower) jeez i am so sad! The game is addictive. This afternoon i have completed all of easy level so that's about 42 songs i unlocked woot. Yes. Very sad. I don't even like half of the stuff that they have, the songs are all rock songs as the version we have is GUITAR HERO III, Legends of Rock. There's this one song i could keep playing coz it's fun-- "hit me with your best shot" so played that a few times. There's only about 5 songs i actually know out of all of the songs.
Anyway, last night, the whammy bar was working fine- the whammy bar is this metal stick thing at the bottom of the guitar which you move to get more points or whatever. This afternoon when i went to play the whammy bar wasn't working. Somehow between last night and today the whammy bar mysteriously stopped working... How dodgy! I don't actually think it's my fault though- like i said before, it was working perfectly yesterday. Gotta bring it back and probably get it changed or something... And also buy a game where i actually know the songs! I hope they make one with like pop songs like the veronicas or something like that hehehe
wildilocks =)
anyway the extensions that i got are red (made of real human hair-- the idea of if is kinda gross coz it's somebody's dead hair but it looks so cool!!!! i had to get that coz you can't use hot curlers or anything like that with the synthetic extensions) I got 4 put in at a cost of $32. I have two on the right side of my head, one near the bottom and one on the left side of my head, i'm so pleased!
i would put pics up but i can't be bothered. i still have to take pics first! but when i do i'll put some up.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
boyfriend update
Our relationship is going alright, not too much to report.. I think it's better when we're together as opposed to when we're not together. (duh) When i don't get to see him the relationship is strained in the sense that I hardly hear from him or talk to him. That's the way he is- indifferent. That's why its better when we actually see each other. I don't like it when i don't get to see him..
Making plans for our one year anniversary which is in a couple months- not long to go- i can't believe it's been almost a year already! Time flies by so quickly...
We're going to go on a mini holiday type thing probably in Mandurah near the beach just to relax and spend time together just the two of us. =) When we get back we're gonna go puppy shopping. That's what i'm gonna try make him do anyway- it won't be my puppy, it'll be his puppies but that's okay coz i'm not too keen on picking up puppy shit anyway- i just wanna be there for the cuddles and teaching them how to do tricks and play with them and maybe give them baths and take them for walks... so basically everything except picking up their shit. He's gonna get two boy rottweilers to keep Rebel company and they are going to be called Achilles and Panzor. I have nicknamed them Axe and Pansy. Rebel is the dog he has now, he's getting pretty old, he's about 12 but he acts like a puppy- i love him. I think i spoiled him too much coz i bring him treats and he's always whining when i'm around on account of he knows if he whines i'll give in and give him something to eat or pay him attention.
anyway that's all i can think of to write for now but i'll be writing up about the party for sure/ stay tuned ...